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Category: BBQ Grill Ovens
Type / Model
Küte ja keetmine:
LPG gaas
External Dimensions L x W x H mm
2750 x 1300 x 2000
Additional Information
Construction: Heavy Duty 12 Gauge Steel Interior (100% welded & inspected seams) 
Tubular Steel Frame, 22 gauge stainless steel exterior
Mineral Wood Insulation – rated 1200 degrees Fahrenheit (contains no asbestos or fiberglass) 
Electrical: 110 Volts, 60HZ, Single Phase, 15 Amp – AVOID NON-GROUNDED EXTENSION CORDS. 
Gas Burner: 65,000 BTU Burner with Electronic ignition, available for L.P. or Natural Gas.
Firebox: Two (2) regular fireplace size logs will last for up to 6 hours of cooking. Air over firebox circulation.
Temperature Range: Thermostat control range 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
Upper Limit Control Switch: Extra Safety FeatureDial 
Thermometer: 2 1/2” Diameter
Heavy Duty Foot Switch: Rotisserie Advance
Casters: Four (4) Heavy Duty, ETL Approved
Convection System: One (1) 1/4 HP Motor
10″ fan blade provides a mix of both heat and smoke for product consistency
Flue: 4″ Diameter
Grease Drain: 2” 
Weight: 2200 lbs., uncrated
Rotisserie: 15 Racks, 12″ x  48” (120×30 cm)
60 Sq. Ft. Cooking Surface
Racks removable for easy cleaning
Rotisserie Drive: Heavy Duty 1/4 HP Motor – Long lasting chain drive system utilizing gear reduction
Created by: foodtech

Gaasipõletiga automaatne puuhalgudega töötav BBQ-ahi


  • Väga heas seisukorras! Kõik töötab ideaalselt.

  • USA-s toodetud, Inglismaal Londonis leibateeninud (Bodean’s BBQ restoranis) ja Poolas väga usaldusväärses kohas renoveeritud.

  • Koos paljude uute juppidega ja palju varuosasid ka lisana kaasas, sh uued tihendid, grillrestid jne.

  • Töötab LPG gaasiga aga saab konvertida ringi ka maagaasile, st tsentraalsele gaasile.

  • Suitsu tekitamiseks tuleb asetada puuhalg (nt lepp) küttekoldesse.

  • Ahi on ratastel. Võimalik küpsetada väga suuri koguseid.

  • Ahju kõrgus 200 cm, laius 275 cm, sügavus 130 cm.

  • Tootja koduleht:

  • Tarneaeg tellimusest ca 1-2 nädalat.


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